How would you describe your brand?
From humble beginnings, VGOD was founded on the belief that art and creativity can be found in the most unimaginable and even ordinary places. Tricking was born, based on the principle of art, with an ability to personify itself into a lifestyle that can move culture and change the direction of the world around us. That is TrickLyfe.
With the same dedication and passion for technical acuity, ingenuity, and style that defines our TrickTeam, so compelled are our mixologists and product designers.

By embodying a comparable artistry of creation and designing, we bring to you some of the most premium of flavor profiles and vaping devices on the market.

What inspired you to begin creating eliquids?
We wanted to expand our brand to be more than just vape trick videos on a social media app. We wanted to introduce our own juice line, hardware, and apparel to our international fanbase!

What were some of the surprising things you learned during this process?
We learned the system quicker than we thought. We knew what it took to become the most recognized brand in the world. Social media is a game. Learning how to conquer the method of engaging with your audience and the consumers of the industry is the ultimate goal.

How did the name VGod come about?
Vape Gang Or Die was originally an idea thought up by Cole Mason and Dylan Swain, original founders of VGOD, themed after “Taylor Gang” by Wiz Khalifa back in 2013.
How do you feel your personality comes through in your e-liquids and devices?
We make what we like. We make what our consumers would like. We put a lot of effort into our juices and are proud to announce the release of our “Salt-Nic” juice line!
What is the most important thing about creating an ejuice?
The most important thing would be cleanliness, to make multiple batches, try different flavoring ratios, and allow your juice to steep for different amounts of time. Making juice is a trial and error process.

What do you think distinguishes your brand from others?
Our brand is at the top of the social media game. We are closing in on 400K followers on Instagram and 100K subscribers on YouTube! Not one other vaping brand has the social media power. Our fanbase is INSANE! We have die hard fans who have our brand tattooed on their bodies, individuals who would fly across the world to see us at a vape event, and we appreciate all of the constant love and support!
What builds and set ups do you typically use?
Most of us are on closed pod systems like the Phix and the Sourin Air using salt-mic juices which provide more nicotine in a smaller hit. We love using our VGOD devices like the new Elite 200 box mod which just released with either a PRO Drip RDA or the TrickTank PRO RDTA!

VGOD does a lot of vape tricks, how did that begin and how do you think that influences your work?
The vape tricks fuel this brand. So many new and experienced vapers can easily relate to tricking and our lifestyle because we are younger guys who started this tricking scene on Vine in 2013. We were the first ones to introduce mainstream tricking to the vape industry. After reaching 275K followers on Vine, we soon switched full time to Instagram where we now post every single day to keep updated content on our pages. We are always taking new pictures or making new videos so it is pretty motivational to know we’ve put in so much work and we have definitely seen a return over these past couple years.
What advice would you give someone just getting into vaping?
Stick with it. It is way better than cigarettes and you will not regret the switch. As for the tricks, keep practicing and keep up with all of our tutorials on YouTube!
What motivates you to keep going?
We are motivated by knowing the sky is the limit. VGOD is a growing brand and we are consistently growing on social media which provides so many new outlets of creating unique styles of artistry. Our YouTube channel is a platform where we like to share our trick tutorials, new product features, and our VLOGS featuring the international shows we attend.
Follow VGOD on YouTube here: